Saturday, February 6, 2016

Under the Weight

while sitting under the weight
            of slights real or imagined
i noticed the scenery never changed
unless you count the loss of color

leaves on slate trees, gray like
elderly skin, and just as thin
as mine
flutter about this patch of ground
i chose to sit upon

what i believed i must trust
            was a bust.
            and my soul
turned red with rust.
so i dig a hole in the shade  
to bury this picture of you


sticks and stones do what they do
while your words cut
like a nick while shaving
and blood circles the drain

you claim your Jesus
with lips bearing false witness
and i -
i have done the same
“blessed are the merciful”
i have not felt blessed since…
well, my memory fails me…

let us remember
what mercy means

as if this was the 4th day