Monday, March 6, 2017


“a blaze of glory”
it sounds 
so romantic, so fantastic
to go out that way.
but i want to live in
not go out in
that blaze, not a phase
in the end.
so i pretend.
but i’m no hero
just a zero -
the bastards got to me again.
or rather, i let them.
news flash: 
i’m the bastard, constructing a last bastion
of defence, like a fence, only more useless.
i reckon i should reconnoiter a bit
before locking myself into my own tomb,
as they slap a face i could never hope
or care
to save.
we remember
a man who died fighting for liberty.
what a hero.
most of us forget what he said before that though…
“You can all go to hell.  I’m going to Texas.”
as good a place for a blaze of glory as any,

i suppose.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

To Wolfgang, with love

ran through this obstacle course 
and tripped, of course.
and now
here i am, wishing i could kick Mozart 
in the testicles and 
take the beauty he could create
and pass it around like a good little communist.
not enough to go around.
where’s my share of beauty?
i spent it on something trivial 
i’m sure.
maybe if my middle name was 
but what have i created besides a fusion of
mexican tacos and chinese dumplings?
sure, they tasted good - one might even say damn good -
but ultimately, who freaking cares?
everyone wants to be able to point their finger and  say,
“i made that.  isn’t it beautiful?”
but these days, i seem only able to point toward the sky -  
with the wrong finger.
“look at this.  how’s that for beautiful?”
i suppose if everyone could create beauty
then no one could.
and with that realization, Wolfgang, 
your manhood is safe.

- still looking for mine