Thursday, December 11, 2014

Family Time

We put the music away,
invited silence,
shifted our gaze.
i saw him, and him, and her, and her,
and you.
and you saw
and him, and him, and her, and her.
we thought about
you are.
a ragtag band of miscreants and
a Holy God.

some stains

some stains refuse to be washed out:
mustard, wine, grease.

there are those that will swear to a remedy.
i have yet to see one
fully work,
fully clean.

out damned spot!
you proclaim my guilt as i,
head low, voice lower,
ask God
to attend on mortal thoughts.

i smell flowers.
i smell grace.

and i see on that ground
somewhat ascending
the wooden instrument
that laughed its way through a dirge

is that God’s blood i see?
oh scandalous joy.

for some stains refuse to be washed out.

The Reason

I saw those things you did,
      what you said
before they came to pass.
From up there on that mountain I looked down,
     saw the wind blow,
     saw the waves swell,
     saw your boat.
You were there, white-knuckled and scared and soaked.
I was there too - only damp shoes.
     I came to you - not to fuss
     about your poor sailing skills -

just for you.